Bottled water is polluting your body and the planet
5 reasons why it’s better to avoid bottles.

As we approach World Water Day on March 22, we at StemFoods Holistics wish to celebrate and bring awareness to our precious resource for the entire month. Someone very wisely said that bottling water is “taking a readily available resource and placing it in an unsustainable container” at an astronomical price (Green Living Ideas, 2013). Here are 5 reasons to avoid bottled water:
- Bottled water is not good for your body. It is widely known that the plastic leaches into the water, especially when stored in the trunk of a hot car in the middle of summer, when most people drink lots of water.
- Bottled water usually comes from municipal water sources, also called tap water. In fact, many brands have that disclosed on their label. So that bottled water is not necessarily cleaner than tap water.
- It is unknown how many bottles end up in the ocean, but it is estimated that one million plastic bottles are purchased each minute across the world, and 90% of those bottles are not recycled. They end up either in landfills or in oceans.
- Enormous amounts of resources are used to manufacture, transport, and distribute water bottles, to the tune of 17 million barrels of oil each year. If you fill a water bottle 25% full, that equals the amount of crude oil it took just to produce that bottle.
- Besides hurting humans directly, plastic bottles are killing ocean life, which hurts humans indirectly. It is estimated that 8-9 million metric tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year and by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans.
All of this damage to ourselves, to innocent ocean life, and to the environment is reversible. It takes a simple change of mind and of habits to start reducing all this unnecessary plastic waste.
We don’t need to drink water from a bottle and we can invest on water filters which will end up saving money when compared to purchasing water bottles. The alternatives are not that difficult to find and are beneficial to our body and our planet.