Possible side effects of vaccines
How our supplements can help

Interesting history
Since 2020 we have become used to hearing the word “vaccine” on a daily basis. But where did this word come from? It originated from the first time a treatment against the smallpox virus was performed by Dr. Edward Jenner in 1796, a time when smallpox was a deadly virus with no cure. Jenner noticed that people who handled cows and had previously been infected by cowpox had mild or no smallpox symptoms when infected with smallpox. From then on, a vaccine from cowpox was used to successfully treat and eventually eradicate smallpox. The word “cow” in latin is “vacca” and that’s where the word “vaccine” comes from. This is not to say that all vaccines come from cows or other animals.
StemImmune can help
Regardless of which vaccine a person might get, sometimes mild, flu-like symptoms occur such as fatigue, cough, stomach issues or low-grade fever. Here at StemFoods Holistics we are passionate about restoring health naturally. All our supplements contain superfood ingredients that are naturally rich in antioxidants which are crucial for fighting off free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are key for restoring health.
The power of StemImmune
Following are common side effects of vaccinations and some of StemImmune’s ingredients which are known to relieve those symptoms:
- Fatigue: StemImmune contains amla berry, zinc, vitamin D3 (from lichen, which is better quality than lanolin), and vitamin K2 to help in wound healing and boost the immune system. It also contains sorghum seed (gluten free), which supports the oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood, helping to relieve fatigue.
- Cough: StemImmune contains clove extract, which is a natural expectorant, and oregano leaf extract which helps fight off toxins. It also contains the natural anti-inflammatories sumac bran flower.
- Stomach issues (including vomiting and diarrhea): StemImmune contains turmeric which has prebiotic properties that can support the gut-immune connection
- Low-grade fever: StemImmune contains cinnamon, which is an immune booster and exhibits anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects beneficial to immune health.
Whether you’re experiencing side effects from a vaccine or an actual cold or flu, StemImmune is especially formulated to support the immune system with organic ingredients that are high in ORAC value. This means they have a high concentration of antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells against the harmful effects of free radicals.
Since the Covid crisis started, we are proud to say we've been part of the solution, having found powerful answers in Nature, and helping people regain health. If you would like advice on how to boost your immune system, reach out to us at stemfoods.com.