Stress can trigger insulin issues
The value of calm

We all know how stress can affect our daily lives. It makes us tired, irritable, and distracted. It can cause relationship problems and even health problems. Besides eating a healthy and delicious whole-food, plant-based diet to help reverse type 2 diabetes, the management of stress also carries great benefits.
Emotional stress can overstimulate the stomach to produce amounts of acid beyond what we normally need. This increase in acid can signal the pancreas to increase its secretions. On the other hand, stress can also decrease insulin levels when we need normal insulin levels. High anxiety can elevate not just cortisol, but glucose levels as well. Overall, it has been shown that constant stress can worsen type 2 diabetes.
Seeking out calm and peace usually doesn’t cost anything and yet it has valuable benefits. Three easy ways to manage stress are:
- Breathe deeply. Before stress gets out of hand, stop and take a few deep breaths. Count to four as you inhale, count to four as you hold it, count to four as you exhale and finally, count to four as you hold it. Breathe normally for a few seconds and do the sets of four again until you feel more calm
- Eat well. If you can eliminate one thing this week, eliminate all fried foods. They contain high amounts of saturated fat which in turn increases insulin resistance.
- Prioritize exercise. Even if you move your body for 5 minutes a day, or maybe 20 minutes every other day, make it a priority and keep the habit going.
A lot of people carry the weight of stress not realizing that easy ways to manage stress exist which can greatly improve their quality of life. The 3 tips listed above don’t cost any money and are easily attained. Bringing calm back into your life can help you in all aspects of living.
When it comes to managing stress, it is essential to provide the body with the nutrition it needs. Small changes can add up to big benefits. Because we can’t get all the nutrients we need from foods alone, we at StemFoods have made superfood supplements accessible to all. Using only the highest quality ingredients, we have formulated a line of powerful supplements to address today’s relevant issues such as digestion (StemDigest and StemLiver), immunity (StemImmune), kidney health (StemKidney) and overall health (StemVLife). We invite you to browse our website and learn more about how to live a healthier life.