The Oil Dilemma: Top 3 reasons we shouldn’t consume extracted/bottled oils
Three reasons compel us to avoid bottled oils altogether: Oils are very damaging to the inside of our arteries, they are high in saturated fat, and they are calorie dense. Let's look at each reason in detail.

Three reasons compel us to avoid bottled oils altogether: Oils are very damaging to the inside of our arteries, they are high in saturated fat, and they are calorie dense. Let's look at each reason in detail:
Caring for our blood vessels
It’s easy to forget something we never see, like the inside of our arteries. But such an important part of the body should be cared for just like any other. It turns out that extracted/bottled oils are very damaging to the inside of our arteries, called the endothelium. Healthy cells inside the endothelium make nitric oxide, which helps blood flow smoothly and helps prevent dangerous plaque from forming in the arteries. All bottled oils, such as olive oil, avocado oil, or sunflower oil reduce the cells’ ability to make nitric oxide, thus increasing the chances of dangerous blockages to form in the arteries (Esselstyn, 2007).
But aren’t oils “heart healthy”?
Oil is high in saturated fat, so why do we hear so much about “heart healthy” oils, such as olive oil? All bottled oils are monounsaturated oils, which many doctors out there promote as “heart healthy” but the truth is, even olive and avocado oils contain about 15% of saturated fat which can clog arteries. Studies show that both monounsaturated fat and saturated fat contribute to damage to the arteries and heart disease.
What about omega-3 contained in bottled oils?
One reason people consume bottled oils is because of their omega-3 content, but there are healthier alternatives for getting omega-3 such as flaxseed meal, hemp seeds and chia seeds. Most nuts are also a natural source of omega-3; however, cardiac patients may need to avoid nuts due to their high fat content, so ask your doctor.
A no-brainer
Lastly, oils are very calorie dense, so if you’re trying to lose weight, bottled oils won’t help you.
Final thoughts
When we look at the science, there is really no dilemma: Extracted/bottled oils are not good for us, be it for cooking, for salads or as a meal ingredient.
You might be asking yourself, but don't we need to consume some oils? Yes, we do. Oils are essential to good health when consumed as part of whole foods. The best sources for oils are whole foods such as avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, flaxseed, or coconuts, for example. But never in huge amounts.
A delicious oil-free plant-based lifestyle is the most beneficial for the heart, for health in general, and even best for the planet!
Esselstyn, C.B. (2007). Prevent and reverse heart disease: The revolutionary, scientifically proven, nutrition-based cure. Penguin Group.